by Dr. Steven Johnson
Health Creation represents a new multi-cultural health paradigm for creating resilience in our time, both for ourselves and for our planet. “Resilience” refers to the capacity to unfold our fullest potential for physical, mental and creative well-being while simultaneously becoming more resistant to infection and disease. “Health Creation” represents a renewal of public health which recognizes that our own health is inextricably interwoven with the health of our natural environment.
We are learning that the seeds of health are rooted in our life experience: parenting, education, nutrition, social dynamics, self-awareness, good health care and a safe, stable environment. These conditions can influence us right down to our cells and genetic evolution.
Take the simple example of an acorn! In an acorn lies the potential for a magnificent and mighty oak tree. If the surrounding environment lacks the right nutrients, water, sunlight, weather, or is contaminated, the tree will not grow to its fullest potential and it might even succumb to disease. The expression of the healthy tree will only reveal itself under the right conditions.
Unlike the tree, we human beings have the possibility to “take action” and change ourselves and our environment! We have the power to create dynamic forces of resilience and vitality all around us each day. Furthermore, we can work together to adapt cultures that support this possibility, from the moment of conception until old age and in all diversity of cultures.
The ever-evolving physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of pollution, technology, modern medicine, de-humanized science, social unrest, fanaticism, social isolation and pandemics in our century are becoming more apparent. The advancement of modern materialism is raising deep moral questions for the health of our planet. We have the choice to become stronger through this adversity. We have the opportunity to discover and practice the secrets of “health creation.”
Through emerging research, newsletters, educational platforms and the building of professional partnerships, we hope to provide tools we can all use to create a multi-cultural and practical paradigm of eco-health in North America. We hope many of you will join us towards our goal of a brighter future which honors all living things as “sacred” and deserving of a healthy future.
It is our belief that we can re-define public health while educating and empowering an evergrowing community of people who want to take this journey for themselves and our planet. Our work is a path of discovery that requires deep mutual respect and love for life, ourselves and each other.
We invite you to join and support this vital work for the future!