Spring 2021:
Helping Ourselves by Helping Each Other
Issue 9: March 2021
It’s a new beginning…
Dear friends,
Happy Spring, Happy Easter, and to our friends celebrating Passover, we wish you a meaningful Seder! As the day lengthens and the light moves higher in the heavens, the earth springs to life- in birdsong, budding leaves and flowers, busy bees- all beckoning us to crawl out of our caves to come greet the world.
We at FHC are feeling this new momentum and are heeding its call by offering you thoughtful and inspiring articles on how to bring meaningful change into our lives and communities, and how to nourish and be nourished in turn. We are all part of an interconnected whole, local and global, and each of us thrives individually when the whole collective is supported.
In this newsletter we include ideas and examples of the kind of innovation and rebirth many of us are longing for. Be sure to scroll down to our HEALTH IN ACTION feature and our UPCOMING WEBINAR on how to nurture and care for ourselves and loved ones. If you like what you see, share it with a friend and consider making a $25 donation!
From the CALENDAR OF THE SOUL, by Rudolf Steiner
March 21-27, 2021
Into our inner being
The riches of the senses pour.
The Cosmic Spirit finds itself
Reflected in the human eye,
Which ever must renew its strength
From out that spirit source.
Featured Articles
Reimagining Health and Wealth
by John Bloom

As young children, my brother and I would visit our grandmother at the home for the aged. She would look at us and say, even into her nineties, “If you are healthy, you are wealthy.” That was a first mysterious inkling of how simple wisdom connects apparent disparity. Now that I am ten times older than that memory, her wisdom has settled into warm appreciation as I hold her in my thoughts. The adage holds a powerful question that, in order to be rightly understood, demands a radical recasting of the concepts of health and wealth and the extraordinarily complex relationship between them—as cultural and economic phenomena. But, before I take up that perspective, I want to acknowledge one aspect of my grandmother’s statement, the if-then proposition that says health is a precondition of wealth. Read full article…
In Memory of Gene Gollogly: A Champion of Hope
October 4th 1950 – January 7th 2021

Some of our readers may have known Gene personally and, if you didn’t, I think you will find inspiration in our dedication to him. He was best known for his accomplishment as a savvy book publisher and later as the leader of Steiner books. He used this platform to inspire people all over the world to share their work, especially if it entailed a pursuit of spiritual knowledge and doing good for others. His life and work embody the theme of this newsletter: “Helping Ourselves through helping Others” and was part of the inspiration for this issue.
Gene had great hope for the future of Anthroposophic and Holistic Medicine. He helped publish many, many books. We would discuss this topic over lunch the year before his passing. He was always encouraging about the potential future of the Foundation for Health Creation and about inspiring the world about Anthroposophic and Integrative Medicine, even how these forms of medicine could be more radically transformed to help advance our understanding of health in the future. Read full article…
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of FHC
Upcoming Events
Free Webinar:
How plant oils support relaxation,
sleep and immunity
April 27
5:30pm PDT/ 8:30 EDT

Do you know a doctor or medical student interested in training in Anthroposophic Medicine?
Tell them about the upcoming PAAM annual training week!
Special Feature: Health in Action
Open Source Wellness
How two therapists in Oakland, California
have shown that community IS medicine
A community clinic for behavioral health that is covered by private and state health insurance

Articles of Interest

by Alison Gopnik
for the Wall Street Journal
Read the full article here

Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jon McAlice and Craig Holdrege

A statement from the leaders of the Goetheanum’s Medical Section
Read the full statement here
“A healthy social life is found when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”
-Rudolf Steiner