Spring 2022:
Finding the Good That is Possible
Issue 12: April 2022
Finding the Good That is Possible
Dear friends,
Spring is here! Each year, the earth renews our faith in the health and goodness that is possible. Nature shows us that life has an innate capacity to regenerate and even flourish. And if nature can do this despite neglect and abuse and in the midst of devastating world events, imagine what might be possible with our active support and cooperation! Well, many of our features demonstrate just that- what is possible.
FHC is dedicated to bringing you inspiring content that is current, relevant and restorative, restoring us to the truth that we are innately whole- we are one with the world. In this newsletter we include original essays, podcasts, events and articles on both the good that is happening and that which is still to come. We want to celebrate and share what so many are already doing while inspiring us all toward the future, toward the health that is as yet unrealized.
Happy gardening,
the FHC Team
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HELP US TO PROMOTE THIS HEALTH CREATION MOVEMENT! If you like what you see, share it with a friend and consider making a donation! Click below to make a donation to FHC today!
From the CALENDAR OF THE SOUL, by Rudolf Steiner
Translation by Ruth & Hans Pusch
Week 6
May 12 – May 18
There has arisen from its narrow limits
My self and finds itself
As revelation of all worlds
Within the sway of time and space;
The world, as archetype divine,
Displays to me at every turn
The truth of my own likeness.
Features of Interest
Becoming a Cosmic Citizen
by Dr. Steven Johnson

There is something to be discovered and regained by contemplating the rhythms of our lives. The sun, moon and even the visible planets, when observed and contemplated, can shift our sense of time in a supportive way. There is reassurance in knowing that this day will set, a quiet and dark period of repose will follow, and a new day will begin again. The seasons will come, bearing their unique gifts, challenges and moods, and they will go, always carrying the hope and promise of their next annual appearance.
Read the full article…
Our body temperature is closely regulated. For adults, normal body temperature can range from 97 to 99 F, with the average being 98.6 F. In children, temperatures are slightly higher, with a normal range being between 97.9 F and 100.4 F. Physicians consider body temperature a vital sign, but vital for what, exactly? Our internal temperature determines a lot of things- how well something gets broken down and built back up, how well our food is digested, what interactions take place, whether foreign bodies and microbes get destroyed and removed or take up permanent residence.
Read the full article…
Cultivating Warmth as a Path Toward Service
by Carmen Hering, MD

The Holistic OBGYN Podcast with Nathan Riley
Episode #48: Steven Johnson, DO: Mistletoe Therapy and Integrative Oncology

In addition to being one of the founding physicians for FHC, Dr. Steven Johnson is the sitting president for the Physicians’ Association of Anthroposophic Medicine and a Board representative for the Academy of Integrative health and Medicine (AIHM). Throughout his career, Dr. Johnson has developed extensive experience with medical plants- from cultivation through to the subtle alchemical and pharmaceutical processes of making a medicine. He is the author of “Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology” and he uses mistletoe therapy to treat cancer at his NY-based integrative practice.
Listen on Apple Podcasts...
Get a copy of Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology today!
Visit: https://www.themistletoebook.com/
or order directly from Steiner Books by clicking HERE
“This book is authored by some of the leading integrative oncologists who are on the cutting edge with their innovative approaches to treating one of the leading causes of death in the 21st century, cancer. If you or someone you love has cancer, this is a must have resource to learn about a non-toxic century old herb that has great promise in the comprehensive treatment program management of most cancers.” Dr. Joseph Mercola, Founder mercola.com, most visited natural health website for the last two decades

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of FHC
Upcoming Events
Creating Health in Times of Transformation
July 23, 2022
9:00am – 5:00pm EDT
Stay Tuned for more details COMING SOON
Strengthening Immunity Series- Session Five
May 26, 2022
8:30-10:30 EDT
Topical First Aid with Steven Johnson, DO
June 23, 2022
Health in Action
To truly bask in the wonder of nature is a gift that many of us have experienced, yet for many people, it does not occur frequently enough. And for today’s children, time out in nature is becoming harder and harder to facilitate. The Children and Nature Network is an organization that works to provide all kids with access to nature, regardless of background and socioeconomic status. They share FHC’s belief that spending time in natural environments is one of the most healing experiences we have available.
Co-founded by bestselling author Richard Louv (Last Child in the Woods), The Network is also conducting research to show just how supportive time outdoors is for children. Take a look at their robust Resource Hub filled with tools to get families in nature and educational materials that support the importance of time spent outside.
Here’s a Featured Article to get you started: Stumps, jumps and tree cookies: Bringing nature’s benefits to young children in cities

Inspirations and Initiatives

Alliance for Natural Health
August 26, 2021
Read the full article here

by Emily C. Dooley from UC Davis
March 17, 2022

Otto Sharmer, Field of the Future Blog
Read the full article here
“A healthy social life is found when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”
-Rudolf Steiner