Winter 2022:
Creating Inner Health
Issue 14: December 2022
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Foundation for Health Creation Winter Solstice Issue!
This time is perfect for reflecting on our journeys throughout the past year and visualizing our next steps as we enter into a new one. The ancients who built Stonehenge purposely aligned it with the winter solstice sunset (as well as its summer equivalent), for sacred purposes. This is a time, when all over the world traditional and religious peoples celebrate the light, feast, practice fasting and gather with friends and loved ones in their communities. It can truly be a time of love, light and an inner re-birth of our higher selves. This event always aligns with the sun’s ingress into the zodiac sign of Capricorn, which stands as symbol of being proactive, disciplined and committing to the birth of new things in our lives and the world. As you scroll down this newsletter we hope some of the articles and podcasts inspire in you a sense of hope and good will for our common future.
From All of us at the Foundation for Health Creation have a warm and light-filled Holiday Season!
Call to ACTION: The People’s Declaration calls for the respectful collaboration between traditional, complementary and biomedical practices with the aim of achieving a person-centred and holistic approach to health. The healthcare we want focuses on the whole person, is participative, respects individual choices as well as cultural diversity and integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information. Full access to traditional, complementary and integrative healthcare should be part of the right to health.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please consider providing us with your feedback by completing this brief poll we would love to have your input to help shape future offerings from FHC!
HELP US TO PROMOTE THIS HEALTH CREATION MOVEMENT! If you like what you see, share it with a friend and consider making a donation! Click below to make a donation to FHC today!
From the CALENDAR OF THE SOUL, by Rudolf Steiner
Week 38
The spirit child within my soul
I feel freed of enchantment.
In heart-high gladness has
The holy cosmic Word engendered
The heavenly fruit of hope,
Which grows rejoicing into worlds afar
Out of my being’s godly roots.
Features of Interest

The Gift of Three Kings – Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh – Experiences and Perspectives from a Biodynamic Gardner and Two Anthroposophic Doctors
by Jean-David Derreumaux, Dr. Steven Johnson, and Dr. Daciana Iancu
The three substances of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh are known around the Christian world through the traditional bible story of the three kings gifting them to at the birth of the Jesus child in the Saint Mathew’s gospel. Actually, these gifts call upon us to recollect even more ancient inner memories belonging to the Mysteries of old. Kings – wise men, magi, initiates – receiving heavenly guidance, carrying, and bestowing at the heart level, such symbolic substances which were believed to harbor cosmic wisdom and inspire creative impulses.
The Foundation for Health Creation Podcast:
The Mother Tree
Join us for an inspiring talk revealing how trees are one
of our greatest teachers about the interconnection
between all things. Nathan and Steven discuss the
importance of diversity and healthy communities, from
the micro-cellular to the planetary level, and everything
in between.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of FHC
“A healthy social life is found when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”
-Rudolf Steiner