Winter 2023 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, our bodies seek rest and warmth and our minds seek peace and quiet. Within our hearts and souls, there is a desire for communion. ‘Tis the time of year to slow down, sleep more, eat warming foods, and connect with loved ones. It is also the time to contemplate how the past year has shaped us and to consider what seeds are sprouting within our hearts for the coming year. This time especially, as the whole world seems to be going through an acute and significant transition, these introspections take on an even greater significance.
This Winter Solstice newsletter brings you a thoughtful essay about connecting to our hope, love, and faith to increase resilience along with some small inspirations about nourishing the warmth and light within our bodies, minds, and hearts.
Happy Holidays to everyone,
The FHC Team

Enjoy an excerpt from Dr. Steven Johnson’s Emerging Resilience.
Resilience has become an urgent need in our present times! Resilience encompasses our capacity for vitality, regeneration, emotional balance, and a state of coherence between our heart and mind. This coherence corresponds to a more dynamic regulation and balance of our physical, soul, and spiritual self…

During these chilly months, connecting with yourself and others may feel more challenging. One great way to slow down and connect is through cooking. Whether you choose to cook with someone, for someone, or find solitude in the kitchen for yourself, warm, nourishing soup is an easy way to find connection, and it can be simple and customizable. Here is a starter recipe that should serve about 4-6.