In this edition:
Opening Poem:
Loaves & Fishes
Anthroposophic Remedies for Sleep
Upcoming Event:
Keeping Tech in Check – Creating resilience in a high-tech world
Healing Through Coherence – An Antidote for a World in Chaos
Health in Action
Heart Exercise – Developing Coherence
Campfire Story:
Morphic Resonance

Loaves & Fishes
This is not
the age of information.
This is not
the age of information.
Forget the news,
and the radio,
and the blurred screen.
This is the time of loaves
and fishes.
People are hungry,
and one good word is bread
for a thousand.
— David Whytefrom The House of Belonging
Anthroposophic Remedies for Sleep
by Dr. Daciana Iancu
Sleep is underrated in today’s culture. Why should we sleep when there are so many exciting things to do? We could work, play, watch movies, entertain, organize. The list goes on and on. The advent of electricity has made it possible for us to stay up longer and later.
Media has given us the opportunity to live many lifetimes in one. When life is exciting we want to stay up late so we can experience more of it. And when life is stressful, we want to stay up late in order to get more done at the end of the day, hoping that will ease our stress and help us feel better.
Event: Keeping Tech in Check
Creating resilience in a high-tech world
In this short online summit, we explore how modern technologies are affecting the physical, mental and spiritual health of our communities. Technology is influencing the way we think and experience the world. This affects our health and resilience; but there are things we can do! Our keynote speaker, Dr. Glöckler is a well-known pediatrician, educator and researcher and has championed European legislation to change how children use technology.
Healing Through Coherence
An Antidote for a World in Chaos
The innate wisdom of our body to heal itself and become stronger in the process is known as salutogenesis (the origin of health). The “heart” is central to this salutogenic process. The heart is connected to how our body regulates itself. Especially, through the autonomic nervous system which is connected to every organ, gland, neurological and immune function in our body. This occurs optimally when coherence is established between the heart and mind.
Health in Action: Heart Exercise – Developing Coherence
During this practice, it is important to free yourself from intellectual and analytical thinking. You are “letting go” so to speak, and giving space for something to emerge out of your moral-imagination, inspiration and intuition. You want to feel this space you are creating in the physical region of the heart. This starts by developing a “stillness” where your consciousness lives between the expansion and contraction of your breathing. Don’t over focus on your physical breathing but rather the space between expansion and contraction. When you have achieved this meditative state of peacefulness the exercise will become more and more helpful.
Morphic Resonance
When we listen to someone speaking, our brain activates a system for interpreting and categorising the sounds to make meaning of them. Let’s take the noise “carrot” as an example. This articulation in itself does not mean “an orange root vegetable”. Our mind has to decipher it to deliver that meaning.
This system of symbolic language has developed over millions of years to arrive at today’s level of complexity. But at one point in human history, language worked in a very different way: It was the noise itself that was the meaning. And the cool thing is that you can still find remnants of that in modern language, for example in exclamations like “wow!” or “yippie!”
In the natural world, this “direct language” (called original language by some) is still what’s being spoken. What the bird says is exactly what it means. Sure, a certain sequence might mean: “This is my area. Get out.” or: “I’m looking for a mate”. But whoever is listening don’t need to interpret it to get the message. It’s instant and precise in its immediate beauty.
The various forms of communication in the film “Morphic Resonance”, like bird-talk, joiking, and crystal bowl playing, are of that same frequency. They put forth nothing more and nothing less than exactly what they mean. And the origins of that meaning comes from somewhere beyond the mind.
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