Dear Friends,
Some of you are concerned with the safety of the new 5G wireless network, which may soon expand rapidly, increasing exposure to wireless energy radiations. We will address this in future issues of the Foundation for Health Creation newsletter. There is a lot of evidence that raises questions about its safety for our children, the elderly and ourselves. If you would like to voice your concerns, please contact Congressman Mike Doyle who heads the influential Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House and Commerce Committee.
He is the person who reviews scientific evidence for the safety of these technologies and he could be the one to review the 1996 Communications Act, which determines our freedoms to reduce our exposure to these radiations in our backyards and communities. Evidence on this topic is very spotty and unclear. More needs to be done to evaluate health risks before we impose this increased wireless radio wave radiation technology on our communities. While some research suggests it is safe, there is also research to suggest possibly destructive side-effects on humans, such as:
- DNA single- and double-strand breaks
- oxidative damage
- disruption of cell metabolism
- increased blood-brain-barrier permeability
- melatonin reduction
- disruption to brain-glucose metabolism
- increased generation of stress protiens, and
- uncertain impacts on neuro-development and culture from artificial intelligence and overexposure to wireless technology products like computers, smart phones, and the 100,000+ new applications being considered via this technology
Take a few minutes to call or write to Congressman Doyle’s Washington office and express your concerns:
Mr. Mike Doyle
306 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2135
Fax: (202) 225-3084
* The Foundation for Health Creation is an educational organization, not a political one. We do not stand against the advancement of technology, but believe we should not advance technologies for advancement’s sake, for convenience, or for economic reasons, without ensuring safety for our children, elderly and general communities. There is no proof these technologies have improved happiness nor provided a sense of fulfillment in the human population. Therefore progress does not need to be hurried at the potential compromise of our communities. Our platform is to educate people only.